Дурова вперше допитали у суді Парижа

Durov questioned for the first time in Paris court

Pavel Durov was questioned for the first time in a court in Paris in the case of insufficient moderation in the messenger Telegram. About it reports AFP.

The entrepreneur arrived at the court with his lawyers. Durov did not give journalists a detailed comment, limiting himself to a phrase about trust in French justice.

The lawyer called absurd the position of the prosecution, according to which Durov is involved in crimes committed because of Telegram.

Durov was detained on arrival at Paris airport in late August, he was placed under arrest for several days.

He was then released on bail of €5 million and an obligation to report to a police station twice a week.

The claims concerned the moderation of Telegram and the refusal to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

In this regard, the businessman became a suspect in the distribution of child pornography, fraud and other crimes.

Durov disagrees with the accusations and warned of negative consequences for the business climate in France due to the case.

“The claims in some media that Telegram is a kind of anarchist paradise are completely untrue,” he wrote.

Telegram reportedly began disclosing IP addresses and phone numbers to law enforcement after Durov’s arrest.

Under this fall, violating the rules in response to reasonable legal requests.