Artificial intelligence lost the election

Artificial intelligence lost the election

It became known that the candidate for mayor of Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA, Victor Miller, lost at the local elections.

He was supported by only 3% of voters. Before the elections, if he won, he promised to hand over the city’s management to artificial intelligence. This is reported by the The Guardian.

Victor Miller attracted attention earlier this year when he announced he would run for mayor.

He said he would use a customized ChatGPT bot called Vic (Virtual Integrated Citizen) as his companion.

It was envisioned that the administration of the city, if elected, would take place in a hybrid format.

The paperwork would be done by ChatGPT, and all representative functions would be handled by Miller himself.

Such an idea probably didn’t appeal to voters. The election results bear that out.

Miller and his bot received only 327 votes out of 11,036, the third-worst result. Election winner, Patrick Collins, received 6,286 votes.

Despite his defeat, Miller continues to believe in the idea of using artificial intelligence chatbots in government.

“The seeds of a revolution in governance have been sown, and they are already starting to sprout,” he says on Vic’s X page.

Video Your Wyoming Link. Victor Miller Harnesses Technology to Run for Mayor of Cheyenne.