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An ancient Roman dam has saved one of Spain’s districts from flooding

A district of Spain in the province of Zaragoza avoided flooding thanks to the dam built about 2 thousand years ago.

This is reported by the newspaper El Español.

The publication published a video of the work of the dam. The construction diverts the flow of water towards the settlement.

The location of this dam in the municipality has avoided casualties and destruction due to rising water, El Español notes.

The structure was built in the second half of the first century AD, during the time of Emperor Augustus.

It is the highest Roman dam in the world.

In the following years it was partially rebuilt, in the III century the dam was abandoned for some time.

At the end of October, flooding began in the south and east of Spain due to the meteorological phenomenon DANA, which causes rain.

Valencia and its environs suffered the most from the rise of water.

In connection with the event, the country’s government declared three days of mourning, and the head of the European Commission promised to support Spain.