Дивовижна анатомія: 40 м'язів обличчя

Amazing Anatomy: 40 Facial Muscles

There are over 40 different muscles on the human face that work together to create a variety of expressions.

These muscles are called mimic muscles, and they allow us to express emotions such as joy, sadness, surprise, fear, anger, and many others.

Unlike most other muscles in the body, the mimic muscles are not only attached to the bones, but also to the skin.

This allows them to directly influence skin movement and shape facial expressions.

Interesting fact: 17 muscles are engaged for a genuine smile, while about 40 muscles are engaged for a frown. That is why it is easier to smile than to be angry.

The human face is a true biomechanical system capable of conveying more than 10,000 unique expressions.

Of these unique expressions, 43 are universal to all people on the planet, regardless of culture.