A Ukrainian woman escaped from Russian occupiers

A Ukrainian woman escaped from Russian occupiers

A Ukrainian woman from the occupied part of the Kherson Region went to the broken bridge to return to Ukraine.

She was spotted by the Ukrainian military and helped to get to safe territory.

The crew of the reconnaissance drone spotted a woman on the bridge, she stood and showed the military a Ukrainian passport.

The military said that usually evacuations are not carried out during the day because they are very dangerous.

But given the situation, an order was given to help the civilian.

It is known that this is the second time the woman has tried to pass into Ukrainian-controlled territory.

The first time, she unsuccessfully tried to get away from the Russian occupiers. Then she was caught and sent first to occupied Crimea and then to the Russian Federation.

This time, the Ukrainian military helped the woman evacuate and transported the woman by boat to the other side of the river.

Despite the fear and risks, Ukrainians from the occupied territories find a way to return home.

Earlier, it was reported that the Ukrainian naval drone Sea Baby was equipped with a volley fire system.

This new Ukrainian invention has already shown powerful results in combat operations.