A Russian who was preparing a sabotage in Paris has been detained

A Russian who was preparing a sabotage in Paris has been detained

It became known that the French police had detained a citizen of the Russian Federation.

He is suspected of an attempt to destabilize the situation during the Olympic Games in Paris.

About it, reports AFP with a source in the prosecutor’s office in Paris.

The Russian was detained and taken into custody during the investigation on suspicion of “organizing events that could lead to destabilization during the Olympic Games”.

At this point, it is known that the law enforcement agencies have launched an investigation against the figurehead.

The case concerns the transfer of intelligence information to a foreign power “in order to incite hostile actions in France”.

For such a crime in France, the Russian citizen faces up to 30 years in prison.

Earlier, there was information that journalists and physiotherapists from Russia and Belarus were not admitted to the games because of the threat of spies.

As you know, the Olympics in France will be held from July 26 to August 11.

15 neutral athletes with the passports of the aggressor country, the Russian Federation, were admitted to the Games in Paris.