A Russian A-50 spy plane was shot down by Patriot SAMs

A Russian A-50 ultra-modern reconnaissance aircraft was shot down using Patriot SAM’s and SAMbush tactics.

Two A-50U long-range radar detection aircraft have been destroyed since the beginning of 2024.

These aircraft were used by Russia in its war against Ukraine. The first of these was described by Col. Rosanna Clemente, Assistant Chief of Staff, 10th U.S. Army.


In January 2024, it was Ukraine, not the Russian Federation, that mistakenly shot down an A-50U over the Sea of Azov.

Patriot SAM’s and SAM bush (“air ambush”) tactics were used.

The Ukrainian military was specially prepared: German instructors woke up the battery at night and gave the order to move to a firing position.

Then they fought an air battle, and then they learned to withdraw again. Also, a Su-27 was shot down near the Russian border during one of the first SAM bush.

Information about the shooting down of the A-50 appeared on January 14. It was initially reported that the plane, worth over $350 million, may have been attacked by fire from Russian air defenses protecting the Kerch Bridge.

Over time, the elimination of the spy plane was officially confirmed by the AFU.

Video. The Ukrainian armed forces shot down the second Russian A-50 airplane. The plane was shot down over the Sea of Azov.