A mysterious square structure has been found on Mars

In social networks, discuss images of the found square on the surface of Mars, published by NASA.

Network users saw it as proof of the existence of an ancient civilization, and Elon Musk hinted at a possible expedition.

The photos, taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera of the Mars Global Surveyor, quickly went viral on the internet, sparking a flurry of theories.

The image went viral after a post where some users speculated that the photo showed a possible archaeological site.

A mysterious square structure has been found on Mars

Podcaster Joe Rogan, who hosts one of the most popular shows in the world, commented on the mysterious photo, saying: “This is fucking WILD.”

The image also caught the attention of American inventor Elon Musk.

In response to the publication, he wrote: “We should send astronauts to Mars to investigate,” hinting at a possible SpaceX expedition to the Red Planet.

Some enthusiasts compare the Martian structure to the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

According to AI analysis, the sides of the mysterious object on Mars are about 235 meters (771 feet). Approximately the same size as the Pyramid of Cheops.

Moreover, calculations show that the slope of the Martian object’s faces can reach 51.5 degrees, which coincides with the angle of the Egyptian structure.